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NASPGHAN Master Educator Award
Submission Deadline: June 6, 2025
Submit a nomination for the Master Educator Award
Description: The NASPGHAN Master Educator Award recognizes individuals who have made a significant and sustained contribution to the field of pediatric gastroenterology, hepatology and/or nutrition through education scholarship on a national or international basis. This award will be given at the 2025 Annual Meeting in Chicago, IL.
Criteria: Candidates must be a NASPGHAN member in good standing. Master educators should have dedicated their careers to education and education-related projects and have accomplished a body of work exemplifying dedication to educational pursuits. Most will have had careers spanning at least 10 years.
Nominees will be evaluated based on (Master educators should have contributed to at least 3 areas related to education):
- Design, implementation and/or evaluation of educational innovations such as a new method, process, approach, or technological application that provides a solution to a problem in medical education (degree of innovation, breadth, quality, etc.)
- Research activities in medical education (quality, quantity, funds received, etc.)
- Teaching activities (quality, quantity, scholarly approach, etc.)
- Mentorship and/or advisory activities (quality, quantity, scholarly approach, etc.)
- Educational leadership and/or administration activities (national or international level)
- Curriculum and/or program development activities (quality, quantity, scholarly approach, etc.)
- Learner assessment and/or program evaluation activities (quality, quantity, scholarly approach, etc.)
- Public dissemination of education scholarship, such as presentation at local, regional, national or international meetings
- Scientific publications in medical education
- Impact of the nominee's activities (national or international level
Application Details
- At least 2 nomination letters from members familiar with the nominee’s body of work related to education.
The nominee may solicit letter or nomination may be completed without applicants’ knowledge. We ask that this letter speak to the selection criteria, including a clear statement about the nominee’s achievements in relation to at least one of the criteria above and why he or she is being recommended - Nominee’s complete curriculum vitae
Selection: The NASPGHAN Education SIG and Awards Review Committee will review the nominations and make recommendations to the NASPGHAN Council who will make the final decision regarding recipients.
Nominations will be reconsidered for a total period of three years (two years after the initial nomination). Nominated candidates then will be removed from the list of candidates, but could be reconsidered on the basis of a new nomination.
Past Recipients
2018 – B UK Li, MD
2019 – Alan Leichtner, MD, FAAP, MS-HPEd
2021 - Praveen Goday, MSSM
2022 – Norberto Rodriguez Baez, MD
2023 - Jean Molleston, MD
2024 - Marsha Kay, MD