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Single Topic Symposium Proposal Guidelines
Submission Deadline: July 31, 2024

Submissions will be accepted starting June 20, 2024

The goal of NASPGHAN Single Topic Symposia (STS) is to bring together a wide range of experts in a particular field of pediatric gastroenterology, hepatology, or nutrition in order to share their work, create synergy and collaboration, advance research, and provide an educational platform about the specific topic. Any proposed STS is expected to be aligned with the North American Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (NASPGHAN) mission. The mission of the North American Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition is to be a world leader in research, education, clinical practice and advocacy for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition in health and disease.

Generally speaking, a NASPGHAN STS is proposed by a NASPGHAN committee or special interest group and occurs in conjuction with the NASPGHAN Annual Meeting.

The STS program usually consists of series of lectures, combined with young investigator abstract presentations and/or small group breakout sessions and/or hands-on sessions, where appropriate. The NASPGHAN Executive Council, headed by the NASPGHAN President and President Elect (as Annual Meeting Program Chair) provide administrative oversight of the meeting and advise the Organizing committee. The speaker suggestions are solicited from NASPGHAN leaders, as well as leaders in related fields, by the STS Organizing committee. NASPGHAN encourages publication of proceedings of the meeting, including any developed research agenda, in JPGN, as well as posting on the NASPGHAN website.

Once an STS is approved, the Organizing Committee is expected to submit an application for NIH R13 or other extra-mural small conference funding mechanism (i.e. FDA, USDA, CDC, DOD, etc.) in a timely way, and in doing so, will strive to adhere to the policy for inclusion of persons from traditionally underrepresented groups including women, racial/ethnic minorities and persons with disabilities. If submitting an R13 application specifically, the Organizing Committee must send a letter of intent to the NIH in the year prior to the conference. Additional funding opportunities may be proposed by NASPGHAN leadership and should be considered by the Organizing Committee, in alignment with NASPGHAN Policy on appropriate funding for educational events.


May: Request for Applications (RFA) for Single Topic Symposium (STS) proposals for the following year NASPGHAN Annual Meeting sent to all members

July 31: Application submission due

August: Review of proposals by Council and chairs of Professional Education, Research and Clinical Practice Committees

September: STS for the following year* NASPGHAN Annual Meeting Announced

October/November: Upcoming STS proposal(s) discussed at Annual Meeting with NASPGHAN leadership, partners, potential funding opportunities discussed

November: R13 Request Letter describing proposed STS due to NIH (Cycle III)

December: R13 Application due

January: - Presentation of proposed program by STS Organizing Committee chairs to NASPGHAN Annual Meeting Planning Committee Meeting

October/November: – STS held day before Post Graduate Course and Annual Meeting